Nasdaq: opening at the bell

The editorial staff of CCO Magazine would like to draw the attention of the readers to the fact that the New York correspondent of the Hungarian NapiMagazin wrote the following in his report: “In the life of a journalist, there are special moments because they take the reporter to places where it is either impossible […]

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Every year, the Association of Foreign Press Correspondents in the United States (AFPC-USA) honors individuals whose contributions throughout their lifetime careers have raised awareness about the importance of protecting press freedom and the role of correspondents on an international scale. The Club of Foreign Press Correspondents recognizes US-based foreign journalists who publish abroad in radio, […]

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European Commission

EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: annual report looks at role of civil society and underlines need to increase support

The Commission has published its annual report on the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. The report specifically looks at what Member States and the EU are doing to support civil society organizations and rights defenders such as national human rights institutions, equality bodies, and ombuds institutions. Overall, the report shows […]

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Avoiding Election Disinformation

The editor of CCO Magazine would like to draw readers’ attention to the article published by the “Unfortunately, the past few years have made it clear that disinformation campaigns target United States election cycles very heavily. With another election coming up today, the internet is once again saturated with false claims, doctored videos, and […]

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