European Commission

Application of EU law: Upholding rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law

The editor of eCCO Magazine would like to draw readers’ attention to the press information published by the European Commission: Application of EU law: Upholding rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law

Today (07/15/2022), the European Commission adopted its Annual Report on Monitoring the Application of EU Law.


Monitoring the application of European Union law
2021 Annual Report

The report outlines the enforcement actions that the Commission took in 2021 to guarantee the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and businesses across the EU. Today, the Commission also published its regular package of decisions on infringements.

The infringement decisions should be seen in the broader context of the Commission’s work to uphold rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law both within the Union. Earlier this week, the Commission presented the third annual Rule of Law Report, looking into the main trends and developments across the EU. As a preventive mechanism, the report brings attention to rule of law challenges, and for the first time this year, also gives specific recommendations to Member States. For those rule of law issues, which eventually deepen and constitute a breach of EU law, the Commission can resort to infringement procedures. While different in nature, both the Rule of Law Report and the infringements are important elements of the EU’s rule of law toolbox.

To learn more about the topic, read the details here.

Source: European Commission Press Release