Avoiding Election Disinformation

The editor of CCO Magazine would like to draw readers’ attention to the article published by the “Unfortunately, the past few years have made it clear that disinformation campaigns target United States election cycles very heavily. With another election coming up today, the internet is once again saturated with false claims, doctored videos, and […]

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Press Freedom Forum

The Press Freedom Global Alliance

The Press Freedom Global Alliance is a US-based international vehicle for the creation of synergies in countries and regions around the world, enabling key players in the global public space to work together to secure the safety and protection of journalists and to mobilize and inform the public about the role of the press as […]

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Getting the Public Behind the Fight on Misinformation

The editor of eCCO Magazine would like to draw readers’ attention to the article published by the Fair Observer. “Getting the Public Behind the Fight on Misinformation” On the Fair Observer page, Timothy Rich & Madelynn Einhorn asked: “Why is the public so hesitant to support efforts to combat misinformation?” eCCO Magazine quotes the answer.

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Is “resistance journalism” about practices or power?

The editor of eCCO Magazine would like to draw readers’ attention to the article published by the Nieman Lab, by Joshua Benton. A new paper notes that discussions among reporters tend to focus on its “lack of verification” and “truth-bending.” But you can’t evaluate resistance without also looking at what it’s resisting.

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